Stopover Leftover Popover

Sitting in a work meeting on performance measures (don’t be jealous) a woman at another table was wearing a shortish stockinette poncho in a light, fuzzy, machine knit – I’ve always scoffed at these, but for whatever reason, this struck me as attractive, and possible useful. Not in my office, which at the moment is quite overheated, but at home, watching the tube, sitting at the desk, even outside on a spring morning.  Plus short enough not to fall into the sink or my supper. I had a hideous hot pink woven poncho from Guatemala when I was about 10 – I think it put me off anything related for many years.  Like this, but very, very pink.


No matter, the siren song of the Stopover Leftovers was calling, and this wrap/poncho seemed like a good way to experiment. I have worn the Stopover nearly daily since finishing it. I was skeptical about it being itchy, and over warm, but it isn’t. I wouldn’t wear it over a camisole, but over a t-shirt it is light, and warm, but not too warm. Thank you MJM!

Quite coincidentally, the Yarnery is poncho mad at the moment, so I looked at those on display. I didn’t want anything too big and sixties looking, (see above) I just had an idea of something light and shortish, like the woman I was staring at was wearing. I think she thought I was stalking her or something. “Hey, you call those outcomes…”

I initially considered a whole rectangle of random stripes, but aside from all those ends to weave in, it wouldn’t have the quieter quality I admired in the performance measures poncho.   I’m not sure what I ended up with is quiet, or even a successful combination of stripes, but it does function as intended.

full length rectangle

(Right after removing the blocking wires.)

This wrap was pretty much unplanned – shocking, I know .  I guessed at a happy medium width, somewhere from 19 to 22 inches after blocking, and using the gauge and needles I used for the Stopover (See, no gauge swatch required!) I cast on 60 stitches. The main color  had been rejected as my main Stopover color,  glacier blue, so I had the most of that.  I kept up the stockinette slog until about 30”, then started the stripes. Happy mindless knitting, how I love you!

I had 6 nearly full skeins of different colors from fooling about with Stopover, plus a bunch of “color pops” courtesy of  Jen‘s generous organizational skills –   enough for random striping.

I planned for about 45” of finished product.  Final result after blocking: 21” wide and 48” long.  I folded it in half and seamed it for about 12”.

2016-03-27 14.23.00

And here we have it!

front shot poncho


back poncho


If anyone wants particulars on colors, I’m happy to share.



12 responses to “Stopover Leftover Popover

  1. Beautiful. I might just be inspired to follow your example.

  2. That was a brilliant thing to do with your leftovers! I’m currently in poncho-land; I now have six. Same basic shape. I like them long-ish. I don’t think I have enough Lett-Lopi left to do more poncho–ing!

    I don’t mind my Stopover just over a cami. It’s pretty comfortable. Love it!

  3. The giant cowls that I’ve been seeing around are very ponchoish – have you seen the Anna cowl? I love your poncho – what a great use of leftovers!

  4. It turned out great!

  5. That’s much more elegant than a poncho, any day!

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  7. That looks easy & very wearable. I’ve been having thoughts about ponchos as well. I have my reservations because of vague bad childhood poncho memories, but I did see – like you – a very stylish looking one. The one I saw looked like a lovely fulled fabric and the wearer was far more elegant than I will ever be.

  8. I just re-visited this afer emailing you about dimensions. It’s really wonderful with the solid back and stripey front. Have the edges stayed relatively curl-free? Isuspect it looks fabulous on you. Modeled shot please! Also, really glad to learn where your pink-avoidance started. Now, can we get to the bottom of the Fear of Bobbles ?

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