The Race is On

This is only sock #1.


I was thinking felted mittens.  There was still lots of time for felted mittens.  Then, during the annual crafting christmas gifts extravaganza over the weekend, I got the request for socks. (There is some actual hand sewing going on there.  I told him no woman likes a helpless man.)


No more small red socks.  Now only black socks, and they have grown to a size 9.5.  Sigh.  Photos of the acutal finished gifts they made this year, I hope.

I wasn’t planning a post today, since I have to work and knit, but I needed to test the camera.  I threw it in my bag this morning, thinking I didn’t really need to go up to the third floor for the case.  When I got to work, I discovered that some liquid from my hastily packed lunch had leaked — onto the camera, among other things.  I wiped it off and figured I’d better go use the hand dryer in the bathroom before I tried to turn it on.  Often, there is no one in there.  Today?  Three coworkers who all wanted to know why I was such a giant dork that I was holding my camera under the dryer.  I threatened to take their pictures unless they told no one.  Since everyone knows that spilling my lunch on my camera is just the sort of think I do, it was really a hollow threat.

Back to knitting while I do some work related reading.  I hope whatever GWFGWF* you celebrate is all you desire.


*Generic Winter Festive Gathering With Food from superguppy via  Chris

4 responses to “The Race is On

  1. Why are you blogging?! Knit knit knit! 😉

    Merry merry to you and yours!

  2. I hope the knitting goes well and speedily, and I’m glad the camera recovered! Happy winter festivities to you, too 🙂

  3. The December knitting marathon is just aimed to prime us for the more serious knitting that we’ll do in January…

    Hope your food was great and everyone was happy with their knitting!

  4. Merry Happy to you too! Even though I’m a little late with that…

    “I told him no woman likes a helpless man”

    AMEN TO THAT! Note to all women who do everything for their men: Please keep them. The rest of us have no need, desire, or use for them. Thank you. 😛

    Starting on the mitts tonight! Thanks again for the pattern!

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