At this price, I’d make you a Granny Square Skirt…

Seen in the New York Times on Sunday:

The skirt is a mere $2,100.  The vest is only $1,675, available at Barney’s.  Those who know me understand that I am not a fan of granny squares.   I was damaged by making too many of them in Wintuk in my high school years.  Or seeing too many of these images in McCalls or Family Circle.

And courtesy of Liz:

However, I’d make the skirt for you for,say, $1,800?

15 responses to “At this price, I’d make you a Granny Square Skirt…

  1. Ha, that middle photo is hilarious! I hate to undercut you but I’m only charging £600, and I’ll do you a dog coat for £400. I only learnt to do Granny squares last week so prices reflect my novice status ;D.

  2. I love the symmetry of granny squares. I know they are old fashioned but I still love making granny square afghans. If only I could find the high paying customers for all my efforts.

  3. And I’d donate some work on the crochet to help you out!

  4. I had that top! or very nearly… (2nd down, not the big sweater) Ah, those were the days.

  5. I like granny squares — but as afghans, not as clothing….

  6. BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Thanks for the laugh!

    Must become a hooker ASAP.

  7. In general, I’m not a crochet fan and granny squares even less so, but obviously that is SO super trendy, I’ll take two.

  8. So, you’re saying your affections canbe bought? You’re a granny ho?!! Not even just a regular hooker.
    Ok, the skirt is insanely priced, the full sweater is fugly but I have to say the vests and slippers & bag are cute in the right colors. Undecided on the doggy sweater. I bet people would react differently to Bobo the American Bulldog (now larger than ever) if he was wrapped in granny squares.

  9. I’ll just say that in the 70’s, granny squares made people smile, but the current model seems to be feeling a mite grumpy…

  10. OMG – that is the epitome of FUGLY. And yeah, I remember those early squares from Wintuk too. Begone from our memories! Barney’s clients deserve to look like dopes if they’re spending that kind of $. tee hee.

  11. Boy howdy, now THERE’s a skirt! I think I’d probably pay you to take it off my hands, rather than making it.

  12. I love granny squares – and I love wine. Both can be overdosed….

  13. I love granny squares but these prices! The mind boggles. I was at Nordstrom’s the other day and for a plain pullover sweater knit in what looked like size 24 needles, they wanted $890. I’d do it for you for half that price and I’d actually finish something like that over the weekend.

  14. Oh, where’s the eye bleach when you need it? On the other hand, if that’s what people want…. 😀

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