Happy New Year and a Giveaway

The good folks over at Knittyblog are giving away a copy of Wearwithall and some yarn.  Go over and see if you can win!

WWW_frontcover Wear With All

Holidays were a bit hectic.  My husband’s mother passed away after many years of dementia, so there was all of that to deal with.  It did not prevent us from making gifts, however.  This year’s effort was tiles with modpodged photos designed to look like Polaroids.  “So vintage.”  The 12-year old asks “What’s a Polaroid?”


Or the annual parade of Handknits on Ice:

handknits on ice

Best wishes to all for 2013, a bit late, but still heartfelt.

13 responses to “Happy New Year and a Giveaway

  1. One day, the 12 year old will also know of obsolete tech. Poor thing.

  2. What cool gifts. My daughters were astonished that I grew up before email! Then they really could not understand that it was possible to have computers without email…

  3. did you see your review on whip up? may the new year bring you all good things – you’re off to a good start.

  4. Do you use “real” modpodge? And it doesn’t look crappy and peel and disappoint you after a while? Will have to investigate; I’ve heard a lot about it but haven’t seen it around.

    Of course the internet was black and white, but those olden days were not even twenty years ago. The old amber screen, the days before the mouse… Ah, me.

    • We did use real Modpodge. The tiles were designed to be coasters. One coat of modpodge on the tile to glue the photo, then one coat over it, then a spray coat of clear acrylic. Well, the clear acrylic was the plan, but we ended up using clear spray laytex called Grip N Guard that I use on the sole of felted slippers. It worked, but I’m not sure how it will hold up. Their mother was so delighted it didn’t matter.

  5. Happy new year back at you. ModPodge is one of the greatest inventions of humankind. I hate to run out. Not even sure you need the spary acrylic oif you give it an extra coat. (I think it is just glossy Gesso in groovier packaging with an elevated price/lb).
    ps. I still get happy when I see that bulky cowl in Wear With All. Maybe I should knit one?

  6. That’s a clever idea, Polaroid tiles! Someday soon the idea that we used to look at pictures without the benefit of tech will be lost.

  7. Happy New Year, M’Lou. May it be a good one.

  8. Happy New Year! Somewhere at my mom’s, there’s a picture of me ca. 1966, modpodged to a hunk of wood…. (And my condolences to your family about your mother-in-law.)

  9. Belated condolences and New Year good wishes from me, in equal measure, and may your 2013 be all you wish it to be 🙂

  10. Doesn’t it blow your mind that we use 21st-century technology to make things look like mid-20th-century technology!?

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