To Be or Not to Be

Whether to continue to knit the sweater and suffer the potential slings and arrows of having lost my knitting mojo, or to take up needles and by opposing, rip all those freaking stitches out. 

Is this a consummation devoutly to be wished? Or not.

Nimue sweater

I love this yarn. (Nimue in Grey Goose from talented dyer/designer Anne at Wooly Wonka.) It’s a cute sweater.  (Blumchen, from Knitspot.) They look good together.  I’m just not feeling the love for me.  I horrified myself the other night when the thought first crossed my mind.  Then today, I starting wondering what I really wanted to make with the yarn.  It seems like my mind has leaped to the next step.  But should it?

I have both fronts and almost the whole back done.  But I just can’t get motivated to keep going. Has that ever happened to you?  I have put projects aside and a later wondered why, then finished them.  Maybe I should just do that with this one.  It’s October.  I could happily move onto another (warmer) project while I sleep on it.  To sleep, perchance to dream.  Of this:


Starcroft Nash Island Light in Color Cove.  (photo courtesy of Kirsten Kapur, taken at Fiber College.)  This is winging its way to me right now.  Wait, is that the doorbell I hear?

7 responses to “To Be or Not to Be

  1. I’m much more likely to put aside a project and never pick it up again. But if it’s not calling your name anymore, you shouldn’t force yourself to keep going.

  2. I have been in your situation more than once. Right now, in fact, I have a sweater’s worth of a lovely yarn that has found itself 2/3 to 3/4 done FOUR TIMES before I admitted that the finished project would be just “meh”. So that’s been four lessons in knitwear design for me. Here’s the main point of the lesson: If you don’t like it, you don’t like it, and there’s no point in making yourself finish something you don’t like and won’t wear. The best thing to do is to put the unsatisfying project aside and start something that fires your enthusiasm. Then when you’ve got your mojo back, you can take a break from the successful project to frog the offender.

    Good luck!

    • Thanks for the input. Glad to know I am not alone in this! Good advice to not even think about frogging it right now. I don’t have lots of UFOs so it won’t make me feel too guilty. I think.

  3. I agree: put it aside for an indefinite time — a month, a year, whatever. If, when you pick it back up, it is still “meh”, go ahead and frog. If it interests you again, finish and enjoy 🙂

  4. Sometimes, more often than one would like, a sweater/project just doesn’t really want to be made. It takes super-human strength to oppose that. I support you, whatever you decide.

  5. The same thing just happened to me with a shop sample. I should have loved knitting it, but it just made me frustrated every time I picked it up. I talked to one of our Fearless Leaders, and they said move on to a different pattern. It was the right move, and now I’m cooking with gas!
    Also, WOW that color cove yarn looks amazing on you!

  6. I can only echo the advice already given. Would you enjoy wearing it, that’s the key question.

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