MORE Red Scarves

I stopped over to the Yarnery to pick up scarves and got these. And there are people calling the shop to find out the deadline. That means more, I hope. Now I just have to figure out some cute tags to put on these.  If you knit any of these, let me know, so you can get some public acknowledgement.

5 responses to “MORE Red Scarves

  1. So, what IS the deadline? I’m working on a couple of scarves to take over but won’t be able to get there for another week and a half at the earliest.

  2. Oh, duh, I should have said that. January 25 is the deadline. That gives them time to get to the Red Scarf folks. Thanks so much!

  3. wow. and may I add: wow! You Yarnery knitters are so wonderful!!!!

  4. That’s a fabulous collection. Think of all the warm necks!

  5. Yum, I still LOVE that picture. 🙂

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