The mystery of spring gardens

For me, the mystery is what-the-heck did I plant there?  Did we move that?  Will those bulbs survive the harsh winter with little protective snow cover?

I’ve stayed away from the blogging because of some chronic shoulder pain.  I had a huge writing project at work and tried to avoid computer use when away from the office.  I could knit, thank heaven, but mostly on things that are, for the moment, under the cone of silence.  So boring.

But SPRING!!  All you UK types have had lovely flowers for months.  Not here in the upper midwest.  But now – the mysteries of spring commence.  Mr.  Guy planted all 100 squill bulbs that I brought home last fall and ta-dah!


Two years ago, all my daffodils died over the winter, for no good reason. Daffodils are survivors – I never worry about them.  I couldn’t believe that all of mine died.  I ordered more bulbs and waited.  And worried.  But the March of the Daffodils returned!  The early bloomers – next year, with luck, this bed will be packed with them.

IMG_2371Early spring flowers are subtle, for the most part.  The Bloodroot makes slow and lovely progress.  The leaf wrap itself around the flower bud, protecting it from our spring cold. Each day, it slowly opens to give the flower sunlight and warmth. I wish I were a better flower photographer.


Bloodroot is used in traditional Cherokee basket-making.  I am fortunate enough to have a friend who is a Cherokee who makes baskets. (I hesitate to describe him as traditional….) This one is sitting on my kitchen table as I write.  The color is from bloodroot.

2015-04-26 08.38.37

We gave him a bunch of bloodroot for his garden – I hope it is thriving.

Wild ginger is another treat to watch in the early spring.  Each stalk has a solitary reddish-brown flower that is hidden once the leaves open fully.


Species tulips are also tiny and sweet.


I do have the world’s ugliest full-size tulips.  In general, tulips fizzle out after a few years, but  the previous owners left these behind, and I cannot seem to kill them.  This is the only phase in which I enjoy them.  The flowers are red and yellow striped, a color combo that hurts my eyes.  No doubt it was listed in a catalogue as a ‘prolific perennial.’


I hope your gardens are growing as well as your knitting.

15 responses to “The mystery of spring gardens

  1. I love spring bulbs. Seeing yours makes me long for the days that I had a garden to tend.

    Sorry to hear about your shoulder. Hope it feels better soon. xo

  2. Great photos! It is so exciting to watch the garden come to life in Spring!

  3. Hopefully your shoulder is doing better now? Thanks for sharing your flower photos! I’ve been enjoying seeing glimpses of flowers during my walks around the neighborhood lately.

  4. Hahaha I have those same Prolific Perennial eye scorchers. They are the only tulips that always always always show up, the rest are literally my fair weather friends.

  5. My husband was annoyed to find that of the 50 daffs he planted last fall only about 8 emerged. We had a bad winter here in the Mid-Atlantic (You upper Mid-West types just laughed) so our tulips are just arriving but so welcome. All best for shoulder-mending. How nice you can capitalize on the healing qualities of knitting.

  6. Oh my, your species tulips are so pretty. And I have basket envy … that is a thing of beauty!

  7. So sorry to hear about the shoulder pain. Not fun. On the other hand, while you consider those red/yellow tulips to be not so pretty, I am crazy about them. Funny huh.

  8. I sure miss my garden. Wild ginger, getting ready to read up about that! and I love the basket!!

  9. Wonderful – I do love flowers! Thanks for sharing and take care of that shoulder.

  10. do take care of that shoulder…..lots of outdoor things coming soon!!! You’ve really sprung into spring….lots blooming! Love it.

  11. How is the shoulder now?

  12. A question – what do you do with the bulbs when they have finished blooming for this year? Happy Gardening for August. I continue to buy annuals and perennials at the grocery store. That’s my treat when I have to shop.

    • The lilies and daffodils stay in the ground. I only plant things that can overwinter. We do plan dahlias, which don’t overwinter, but have given up trying to save the tubers. No matter what we do, it never works!

      On Sun, Aug 2, 2015 at 7:51 AM, Yarnerinas wrote:


  13. Mid August here in Seattle and the garden is flourishing. Happy Belated Birthday.

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