Tiger Hat Anniversary

It has been three years since I designed this hat.  We raised nearly TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS.  (As of today, $1,985 USD.)  All proceeds go to benefit Heifer International in their work to end hunger and help families build better lives.  I know that is decimal dust compared to the billions and trillions we hear bandied about these days.  Consider this, though: $20 buys a flock of chickens, and $120 buys a sheep.  And while few of us alone could write out a check for $2,000, together we did.

Another thing to celebrate —  the talented and generous Wendy Rogers, tech editor extraordinaire, agreed to take a look at the ears on this pattern, as some folks find them confusing.  She clarified that section, and I’ll be sending the change to all who bought via the web.  If you bought a pattern and want the rewrite but haven’t heard from me, send me a  note.

I can’t believe it has been three years since Theresa (ahem) and I started blogging, too, so I thought I’d have a Tiger Hat yarn pack giveaway in celebration of the generosity of knitters.  The winner will receive two skeins of Malabrigo worsted in sunset and black, the colors I used in the original hat, as well as a few other goodies.

To win, leave a comment telling me where you like to donate your time or money.  If you bought this pattern, you must care about Heifer International at least. (Or just think it’s a darn cute hat!)I couldn’t  figure out how to do a mosaic, so just scroll on down if you want to see some adorable tigers.

If you have a finished Tiger Hat, I’d love to see it.

Thank you thank you to all who sent me pictures, or agreed to let me take them from Ravelry.  Siri, Idontknitenough,Lightingchick, JilloKnitWit, Blujay, Jill Shelley, justonelastrow among others.  I have received pictures from a grandmother in Australia of her grand-tiger in the Netherlands, Norwegian and Finnish tigers, canine tigers and ‘mature’ tigers.  It is great fun, and a pleasure to know the money is going to such a good cause.


26 responses to “Tiger Hat Anniversary

  1. I have that pattern! 🙂 Congrats on how much money you’ve raised with it!

    Also… let me know the end date on the contest and I’ll mention it (probably on Wednesday).

  2. Wow, that’s so awesome, congratulations!! : )

    I like to donate my time by knitting for charity when possible. Lots of hats and mittens!

  3. You are teh awesome. Heifer is a great charity.

  4. Melinda (aka Theblackersheep)

    Those are some very cute pictures, and hats off to the man who looks like he’s really happy to wear what is effectively a child’s hat!

    Congrats on earning so much money for charity!

  5. Congrats on that $2000! A whole herd of Heifer animals roaming the earth thanks to your pattern. Love the tigers gallery.

    Charities of choice: $$ to Heifer. Red Scarf Fund (Orphan Foundation of America) , and CRAN (an orphanage in Colombia).

    Time: our local soup kitchen, and knitting for the Red Scarf Prject.

    (This makes me sound very altruistic but it is a teensy weensy tiny fraction of what I do which is assuredly mostly selfish!)

  6. Congratulations! I haven’t gotten the pattern, but Heifer is one of the places where we donate every year (the girls usually choose to send their charity money there, and have quite the serious discussion about whether this year will be geese or chickens). Thank you so much for promoting such an important organization!

  7. Laura Tarantowski

    love your altruism!

    Heifer is our favorite, too. One year my son asked for a big, over-blown birthday party with his whole class. I agreed on condition that he request donations for Heifer in lieu of gifts for himself. It worked out great. Everyone had fun and we raised enough $ for a goat. His only disappointment was not getting to actually meet the goat 🙂

  8. Hello – Bóthar, http://www.bothar.ie/ is the equivalent charity here in Ireland. I think it’s a wonderful scheme. My other charities of choice are the Guide Dogs and the SPCA.

  9. Have you seen the current issue of The Knitter? There is a splendid article titled Knitting for the Troops – photographs include Eleanor R, pins in hand, sitting with FDR.

  10. Since I don’t have any cash these days I donate my time to Franklin Learning Center in Minneapolis where I tutor folks – ESL as well as citizenship and GED test prep.

    Good work with the Tiger Hat pattern – Heifer is a fabulous cause.

  11. I love Heifer, too – I donate 10% of sales from my eBay store to Heifer on the puppets and larger yarn items. I am making a tiger hat for my 22 year old daughter who has always loved tigers and now works at a preschool – the kids will love it, too!

  12. I haven’t made a tiger hat, but I make lots of hats for a Toronto group called Streetknit, and I’ve made socks and a few squares that found their way into blankets for Afghans for Afghans.

    Next year, though, it’s me me me all the way!

  13. Pingback: Stumbling Over Chaos :: Contest links, book links, knitting links – eeeeeek!

  14. I LOVE this pattern! I LOVE Heifer International and it’s a charity I’ve donated to often in the past. During the past several years we’ve been struggling a bit and not sending money to many places, but we (my oldest daughter and I) help out in our schools by volunteering tutoring time in the afternoon. Sometimes it turns out being play time but the younger kids often just crave and need attention. Love the photo gallery!

  15. What an awesome hat! My family donates monthly to Doctors without Borders. These days, it’s very difficult to find a charity that doesn’t put most of its money toward fundraising rather than programs, or that isn’t a scam (I was very shocked and disappointed recently to learn about Locks of Love being Very Bad). DWB is one of those organizations that keeps out of politics and just helps people. I like that.

  16. Congratulations on raising all that money!

    I like to donate to MSF and Partners in the Horn of Africa and volunteer for local arts and children’s activities.

  17. Well, that’s interesting about the lack of hats – I realize I don’t know where you live – are in NY state? Maybe they’ve all forgotten about hats. We don’t get the sort of winters we used to get – I used to wear gloves from September to May – but people here still wear hats and zip up their coats. I once stayed in a friend’s trailer in Inverness-shire in November and we wore our hats indoors. Was she speaking about the film?

  18. That’s an adorable hat! I like to donate money to Heifer International, Doctors Without Borders, and local food pantries.

  19. that is fantastic! congrats to you!! Hubby and i have donated much time to a few good causes. The humane society (time and money), greenpeace (money), numerous beach and trail clean ups (time), and girl scouting (lots of time, some money), just to name a few. I have been trying to donate more preemie hats as well as knits towards cancer patients. We have been touched by this disease more than a few times this year. Again, congrats on your fund raising! they are a great organization!

  20. Hey! My baby (pink tiger) made it into your post. I’ll have to show her. Most of my donations go to Doctors without Borders or the Salvation Army. Congratulations on raising so much for Heifer International!

  21. Our Sunday School has often chosen the heifer project for their donations, but most of my projects go to the local area. I have donated various hats to our church communitiy outreach, to the local Salvations Army and also to about 65 students at the highschool I retired from. I make knitted gifts to be given to new families who visit our church looking for a new church home. I donate money to the American Cancer society having lost a sister and father to cancer. I donate money to the MS society and MD society as well. Toys for tots and supporting a families with food for the holidays is also something I participate in. I have sent money, food and gifts to a family originally found through the box project whom we met by going down on a mission project and now continue to help. I have bought shoes and clothes for kids in my school who were in obvious need. I so enjoyed making the tiger hat and I have to admit that I gave that to my one and only grandson. Keep up the good work.

  22. I’m an animal nerd, and the tiger is my favorite, so I had to have this hat (and I regularly wear it out and about- all 24 years of me): http://corvustristis.livejournal.com/29774.html

    One of my major life goals -perhaps THE major life goal- is to work for MSF/Doctors Without Borders in outbreak control and/or diagnostics. I spent six years getting degrees in Biology and Microbiology, graduated this last August, and am still looking for the job that will give me the experience and certifications MSF requires. Some day.

    Even if I don’t get in at this level, I’m specifically shooting for a MPH/PhD that will make me useful to them. I’ve got a plan all laid out and if I can just get through the “find first job with relevant experience part” I’m going to change the world. For some people, at least.

  23. Hello! I think it’s great that you’ve spent so much time and effort to help contribute to a wonderful organization. In my spare time, I serve on a board of trustees of an educational institution and I work on special events for an ecumenical shelter for the homeless. My favorite organizations, in addition to Heifer International, are Peter and Paul Community Services, Habitat for Humanity, and The Humane Society. Every little bit counts!!

  24. Pingback: Third Wave of Holiday Gifts: The Kids! « merp

  25. Hi! It’s my son on top of the blog (Elias tiger), now the hat is to small for him, so his younger brother is now the proud owner of the same hat :o)

    Anyway. I linked to this page from my webpage – I hope its ok?

    Best regards Siri

  26. Hi!
    I know this was posted long time ago but I would like to have this pattern, can someone tell me where can I find it?
    My daughter is in a soccer team called Tigers, I love this model and I would like to make some hats for the kids, Thanks!!!!

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