Harvest Neck Gaiter

Faux Peterman strikes again.  This is a little twisted one-generation-away-from-the-farm humor.  For the twisted stitch pattern, I guess.

Threshing grain then was a dangerous business, and the harvest extended into the cold months.  Small families needed all their ingenuity and resourcefulness to survive the constant struggle with nature in the days before faster, safer mechanization made growing the nation’s grain a corporate enterprise.  Long, flapping drive belts powered by the hub of a tractor, exposed gear boxes, and whirling spokes loomed everywhere on farm machinery, half-hidden in the windblown chaff.  No wonder Granddad wouldn’t wear a scarf to keep his neck warm –  not when the slightest breath of wind might tail the loose ends into the teeth of winding, crushing gears that could pull a man to destruction, with no time to open a trust clasp knife (see page 14 of this catalog) to cut himself free.

Grandma’s solution?  The quick and easy gaiter.  Pulled down over Granddad’s head, the gaiter made a snug barrier around his roughened neck to keep relentless late season prairie winds from penetrating.   Granddad and those who spend time out of doors will know in a Minnesota second what this quick and useful accessory is for.

OK, I have never heard the expression in a Minnesota second.  He swears they use it in Wisconsin.  Here’s not-grandpa, demonstrating safe neckwear around woodpiles. Available at the Yarnery, on Ravelry and Patternfish.

And although her song My Grandpa isn’t on the album, go listen to Martha’s band the  Jinnies. They are wonderful musicians and great fun.


9 responses to “Harvest Neck Gaiter

  1. I love it! Especially the extra advertising for the clasp knife. And I also love the neckwarmer — it’s just beautiful 🙂

  2. Mary Lou you are cracking me up. Ina Minnesota second? Yah. Uff da.
    PS this is juts gorgoeus . Straight to the queue!

  3. Hmm. I just can’t see myself working “in a Minnesota second” into my vocabulary.

    Pretty gaiter – who can resist twisted stitch goodness?

  4. I could have used a gaiter at the urology clinic last week. I mistakenly wore a scarf (it was cute and matched my outfit) because the office is incredibly cold. But with urology, you have to think of urine, bending over patients to get them situated….and scarves falling where they ought not to. (I’m doing some clinical hours for certification in continence). And someone should design some ‘suitable for offices’ gaiters! Nice posting!

  5. Melinda (aka Theblackersheep)

    I’m a huge fan of gaiters. Love them. Along with Delores’ tales of the urology clinic, I’m going to add that they’re great for dog walkers – at least for those of us who do clean up after the dogs.

  6. :o) Love it! Although, a Minnesota second just might not be as quick as a New York minute.

  7. What a pretty gaiter!

  8. What a pretty cowl. I’ve been planning to design one to use up stash yarn, but I’ve only wrapped my brain around lace. I think it is time for me to expand my horizon to textures before picking a stitch motif.

    So is that faster or slower than a NY minute?

  9. Pingback: Kombu Cowl « Yarnerinas

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