Spring and Short Rows

I keep having songs like “Spring Can Really Hang You Up the Most  going through my brain.  It has been some crazy see-saw weather on the planet, no?  Two weekends ago we drove to Two Harbors MN on the glorious North Shore of Lake Superior for the 2nd Annual Knitting-By-the Shore-Retreat.  In the snow.  There was 22 inches of snow in Duluth.  In the parking lot of At Sara’s Table, a farm-to-table restaurant with great food:


Here’s the gorgeous setting:


a lovely bit from a walk I took on a chilly morning:


I taught a Short Rows Three Ways class to an highly entertaining group of fab knitters.  I also learned a thing or two from them, as happens in all good classes.

superior short rows

I’m going to teach an abbreviated version at the Yarnery on Saturday for one of their PopUp Classes.

“How do Pop Ups work? You show up at The Yarnery, Saturday, May 4, at 10:00am prompt (latecomers may not be seated depending on availability, and given the popularity of Pop Ups, it’s a distinct possibility). Bring some yarn and needles. No pre-registration, and all for only $5.00. As an added bonus, your purchases that morning are 10% off.”

If you are local, come on down!  Or if you are not local, come on down anyway!

Speaking of popping up, I came home from the North Shore to warmer weather, and a few goodies popping up in the garden:

Crown Imperial Fritallaria


Catkins on the Hazelnut Bush


and the first squill, which I loooove.  If it ever warms up again, maybe they will bloom.


10 responses to “Spring and Short Rows

  1. But at least we didn’t get the threatened 6-9″ of snow overnight, right?? 🙂

  2. you were the subject of conversation in my home after they showed the weather map this morning … with a huge blob of weather in your vicinity.

    • That blob missed us, thank God. However, it is snowing right now. Supposed to turn into rain later. Big Sigh. BTW, I’m loving your dress and cardigans on Pinterest.

  3. It’s May for Pete’s sake, what are you thinking??

  4. My squill have been blooming for a week, along with the Tete-a-Tete daffs. Neither rain nor sleet nor snow…

    I had some frittilaria once — they lasted one season. This was before I knew about hardiness zones.

  5. That’s beautiful! And flowers too. Wow. The class sounds fabulous.

  6. Pop-ups: yay! Snow in May boooooooo. Even if it doens’t last, how demoralizing.

  7. Good grief that’s a lot of late snow! But isn’t it brilliant to see signs of spring at last!

  8. What a “Spring” you have. However, Good for knitting 🙂

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