Makers Gift List and the Winners!

I know, I was going to announce winners last week, but the Craft Friday turned into wash the kitchen floor etc. Friday.  I did do some crafting, really.  Like finishing this update of my Tamworth Cowl in Maai, in a similar color as the skein of laceweight that three lucky recipients have won:


Asteride, kim in oregon, and Ellen B.  I tried to contact each of you, but if you didn’t hear from me, holler, so I can send your yarn.

What did you make on Craft Friday?  Something for a gift, or something for yourself?  I loved the comments, it seems like everyone is most irritated by the horrible overkill of Christmas in October, and buy, buy, buy.  Beverly had an excellent idea for a round-robin of gift ideas from makers or small scale folks who can’t beat you over the head with the excessive consumerism message, but make a living through making.

Here are some of my favorites, in no special order.

I didn’t really want to duplicate any of Beverly’s but had to for this one: Tide Pool kit for colorwork, in several several color ranges.  The one I want:


Lucious yarn, spun and dyed by Jani herself from Nash Island sheep’s wool.  Read the Nash Island/Starcroft story while you are there, it is sweet.

I have bought several project bags from A Needle Runs Through It.  Nice quality and fast service.

Want a little bauble with a fibery twist?  Emily has some lovely ones.

I have to say, I just bought a skein of of yarn for myself, because a) it was on sale, b) all the cool kids were knitting with it at Fiber College and c) look how cute the packaging is!  It comes in its own hachimaki.  Rifton from JillDraperMakesStuff is spun to stripe, not dyed to stripe.  Gorgeous yarn.


Horsey types on your list?  A pal alerted me to her friend’s shop where there is a FjordHorse ornament.

I love the e-balm and the solid lotion bars from GoodiesUnlimited   My sister swears by it, too.

I have lots of ideas for non-stuff gifts.  Maybe another post!

9 responses to “Makers Gift List and the Winners!

  1. Excellent list! That Rifton yarn, and Jani’s sets, slay me. I just ordered some solid lotion and balms from Goodie Unlimited, thanks for that one. Some as gifts but one for me 😉 Ordering lotions online has sometimes been disastrous for me so I appreciate the vetting.

  2. I too like the list. Craft Friday – I think I quilted, and did laundry.

  3. I want to see what you knit with that yarn you got for yourself. It looks intriguing.

  4. On Friday I worked and then I think I did some gelatin press printing. It was so long ago, I can’t really remember. 😀

  5. lovely ideas! i’m always looking for good solid lotion recommendations, as i like to keep them stashed everywhere. and i’ve had a bunch that weren’t great. so thanks! and i’m currently crocheting a shawl in RIfton…

  6. Thanks for all the tips and links.

    Today I delivered cookies to everyone at the office. I love to bake … makes for a nice gift that doesn’t collect dust 😉

  7. Now I’m back in the land of blog I’m just popping by to wish you and yours a Happy New Year. May 2016 bring you all you wish for m’dear x

  8. Thank you for showing this beauties! And thank you for the lovely yarn I won! It arrived today and is simply beautiful! Have a great and happy New Year!

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